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Land Pollution Definition, Causes, Effects and Prevention

Land Pollution Definition, Causes, Effects and Prevention

This is the short and simple essay on Land Pollution in which we will cover Definition of Land Pollution, Causes of Land Pollution, Effects of Land Pollution, and Prevention of Land Pollution.

Soil pollution or land pollution is the result of excessive use of non-degradable materials and harmful chemicals into the soil to boost production of crops and other products.

Nowadays due to Excess population growth of human conjunction of everything get increased. So human is adopting so many ways to increase products which are important for human life.

Deforestation is increasing day by day by anthropogenic activities to make big cities and houses. Deforestation is also increasing for road formation for easy transportation. So many forests are being destroyed by the human from the last decade. Deforestation converts healthy soil into Barren soil. Barren soil is not suitable for plants growth.

Dumping of waste material on the land also pollute underground water. So soil pollution is also responsible for water pollution.

What is Land Pollution

“Land pollution is the Contamination of undesirable substances that makes Soil or Land dirty and unhealthy which is harmful to the lives of the earth. Land pollution occurs when solid or liquid waste materials deposits on land or underground that can contaminate the soil and groundwater

Causes of Land pollution

As we have read above that land pollution is the contamination of undesirable substances into the soil that makes it dirty and unhealthy for living being. Following are the substances which can cause the pollution in the soil.

  • Use of Fertilizers in Agriculture
  • Harmful Chemicals
  • Use of Pesticides in Agriculture
  • Use of Insecticides in Agriculture
  • Dissipation of solid waste
  • Immersion of solid waste
  • Disposal of materials
  • Overuse of plastic bags,
  • Disposal of residual materials

Effects of land pollution

Land pollution is very dangerous for the earth. I made a list of common problems caused by soil or land pollution.

  • Lack of arable land.
  • Harmful to health due to contamination of food sources.
  • Losses due to landslides.
  • Wildlife also get affected by soil pollution
  • Increase in water and air pollution.
  • Loss of productive agricultural land
  • Loss of Plantations
  • Increases groundwater contamination
  • Noticed reductions in intelligence  in children
  • some soil pollutants (Chemical) are carcinogenic which promotes cancer-causing cells.
  • Some Soil pollutants can cause congenital defects such as heart disease 
  • Some Soil pollutants can cause skin diseases, respiratory disorders
  • Some Soil pollutants can cause Birth defects for pregnant women
    Increase in Landfill Sites also increasing by Soil Pollution
  • Increases  Environmental Degradation

Types of Soil Pollution

We can categorize soil pollution into two categories

  1. Specific Soil Pollution:  This type of soil pollution caused by a particular source. This type of soil pollution can be seen normally in cities, old factory sites, around roadways, illegal dumps and sewage treatment stations etc.
  2. Widespread Soil Pollution: This type of soil pollution caused by several sources. it is difficult to identify what is the main cause of pollution. This types of pollution seriously affect human health and the environment.

Soil Pollution Control and Prevention

Soil Pollution is not a very simple thing to control it is a complex problem that requires governments, institutions, communities and individuals efforts to make it a successful mission.

We have to take joint measures to control the biggest problem of Soil Pollution.  Here I made the list of some effective ways that should be adopted by governments, institutions, communities and individuals to reduce soil pollution.

  • We have to produce homemade compost to boost agricultural products
  • We should dispose of drugs in the places which is authorised for this purpose.
  • We have to start to Eating sustainable foodstuffs, 
  • We have to properly recycle batteries of different types of machines
  • We have to Encourage a more eco-friendly model for the industrialization
  • Farming and stock breeding also should be improved.
  • We should take efforts to Restore the landscape
  • We should take efforts to conserve topsoil.
  • We need to Improve urban planning 
  • We need to Improve transport planning
  • We need to Improve wastewater treatment procedure
  • We need to improve the management of mining waste materials

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Land Pollution Definition, Causes, Effects and Prevention
Land Pollution Definition, Causes, Effects and Prevention

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