9 Best Online jobs for students to earn money at home without investment
These are the 9 Best Online jobs for students to earn money at home without investment. Money is a very important thing to survive in the world. Without money, we cannot fulfil our daily requirements. Money is required for all age groups. Earning money is more difficult during student life. Because the life of a student is very busy and time-bound.
You can do two types of jobs to earn money as a student. Some jobs are offline while some are online. Both types of jobs are best to make money as a student. Here we are going to discuss “how to earn money online as a student”
If we have proper guidance and knowledge about making money online then it is very easy to earn money online from home. If you are a student then this post is going to be very useful for you. Read carefully all the ways of making money. Choose the best way for you to earn money online.
When we talk about online money earning there are two types of options. 1. Make money online with investment and 2. Make money online without investment
In this post, we will discuss the second option which is to make money online without investment. You will get various types of online jobs for students to earn money at home without investment.
List of 9 Best Online jobs for students to earn money at home without investment
However, there are so many ways to earn money online but I have shortlisted only 9 Best Online jobs for students to earn money at home without investment. Popular ways are Blogging, YouTube, Affiliate marketing, Digital Marketing, Freelancing, Tuition Classes, Content Writing, Application Development (Apps Making) etc. Here you will learn more about all ways in details.
#1. Sell Your Own Study Notes
You can sell your own study notes make money online. In this way, you have to just sell your own notes on online platforms such as Instamojo, SHN (www.Shop.HandwrittenNotes.in) and other online websites.
A) How to Sell Your Study Notes
Create a PDF of your notes, Go to the website
www.Shop.HandwrittenNotes.in). Create your account, add your product or PDF notes, set the price of your notes, publish your notes. After publishing, your uploaded notes will be sent for approval of the admin. Once your notes get approved by the admin, your uploaded notes will be online for selling.
Once you will get the sale, money will be transferred to your bank account within 3 to 5 days. Selling your study notes is the very easiest way to make money online without doing any effort.
For detailed information read this post “Earn Money by Uploading Notes in India | Sell Handwritten Notes“
B) Requirements to Sell Your Study Notes
To sell your handwritten notes online, you should have the following things
- The smartphone ( with a camera) or a computer with a scanner.
- Internet connection
#2. Start Online Coaching Classes
You can earn a very good amount of money by starting online coaching/ tuition classes. There are a lot of students who need extra care to score good marks in the examination. Too many parents always search a good teacher for their children.
You can be a good teacher by teaching your students in the right and effective way. Start your online classes with your subject in which you have specialization. Don’t take a subject in which you are not an expert. Before starting an online class, first, read your subject carefully which you are going to teach.
A) How to start online coaching for tuition class
There are so many websites that are offering to teach. They will pay you a very good amount of money on an hourly basis. You can earn money very quickly in this way. You can also contact big coaching classes in this connection. They will pay you according to your work. If you are teaching skill is very effective then you can make a huge amount of money.
The easiest way to make money online by starting a coaching class is that create your YouTube channel. I will recommend you start a YouTube channel as soon as possible if you want to make money online. If you are teaching a skill that is tricky and effective, then you will get both subscribers on the daily basis. There are so many benefits of starting a YouTube channel teaching is one of them.
B) How to start a YouTube Channel
Just create a video with your smartphone or camera. Create an account on the youtube website. Upload your video property description and links. Upload videos on the regular basis. At least 10-15 video should be uploaded in a month. If you will upload a video on the daily basis with good content, you can earn a very good amount of money.
It will take 4-6 months to earn money from Youtube after starting online coaching classes. It can also take more time to earn money. This totally depends upon the content of your video.
If your content is very good, easy to understand and effective you will get more subscriber in a few months. You can also promote your YouTube channel by contacting other peoples. The best way to promote your YouTube channel is to join telegram. Search study channels on telegram. Contact the owner of this channel. Pay some money for your YouTube channel promotion. Your channel will grow quickly after promotion. And you can get earn money online with this way very easy.
Required Equipment To start a YouTube channel you should have the following things
- Smartphone with good camera quality or a Professional Camera
- Black or White Board
- Mice
- Internet connection
#3. Make Projects of Your Colleagues and Teachers
Teachers are too busy nowadays. There are so many teachers who are looking for someone to complete their work. They are always ready to pay money for the competition of their work. You can contact them and tell them your price and acquired time.
Do work very honestly and on time so they will give you work again. There are so many students also who are not able to do their homework for the project. You can also contact them. Which type of student is a very good option for you to make money online. Search this type of teachers and students who are unable to do their work. Make a deal and start earning money.
#4. Start a Blog (Website)
Starting a website for a Blog is the very simplest and easiest way to earn money online as a student. Honestly speaking, this is my favourite way to earn money online. At this time I am running more than 5 websites to make money online.
Start a website in your favourite Nich. Publish updates on a regular basis. Your website or blog will grow quickly if your content is unique and in-depth.
I will suggest you start a website on blogger.com in the starting phase of your blogging life. Blogger is a completely free platform to start a website. You will get a lot of experience. After Getting sufficient knowledge, you can start a blog on WordPress to be a professional blogger. WordPress is not a free platform, you have to spend some money to start a website on WordPress.
How to earn money from a blog
There are so many opportunities to earn money from your blog. Following are the very popular ways to make money online with the help of your blog
- You can show the advertisement of Google Adsense, Media.Net, and other platforms
- You can link affiliate products of Amazon Flipkart Myntra eBay, Clickbank, digistore24 etc.
- You can offer guest posting on your blog.
- You can also publish sponsored post on your blog.
- You can promote anything with the help of your blog which is related to your Nich (Topic).
How to start a website
There are so many platforms to create your website. Some of the platforms are free but some are paid. Free resources offer you a very basic website, whereas paid platforms will provide you lot of options to customise your website in any way.
Blogger.com is a very popular platform to create a beautiful website completely free. Blogger.com is a Google product so this is a very trusted and popular website builder.
WordPress is also a free website builder but it needs Hosting. You have to spend some money to buy is Good Hosting. There are free hosting also available but I will not recommend you to go with free Hosting.
i) How to start a website on blogger.com
To start a website on blogger.com you only need a Gmail Account. After creating a Gmail account, open blogger.com in any browser. Login with your Gmail account. Put the basic details of your website. Your website will be ready to use.
Publish your first post by using unique images and content. Hit the publish button. Your website will be live. Submit a sitemap to the Google search console so that your website will be indexed on the Google search engine.
ii) How to start a website on WordPress
To start a website on WordPress you need 2 things
- Domain name: The name of your website (www.yoursite.com)
- Hosting (online server to store your images and content)
After purchasing the domain name and hosting, install WordPress from the C panel of your hosting. Your website will be ready to write a post after putting the basic details of your website after installing WordPress. Write your first post and publish.
There are so many students who are running their website to earn money online. They are earning a very good amount of money without it doing any hard work. They just write a post when they got the free time.
#5. Content Writing (Online jobs for students to earn money at home)
You can create content for others to earn money online. People want good quality written material/ Articles for their websites and blogs. You can also create various types of types of Images, Videos and other media.
You can charge 1000 Rs for 3000 Words to write a unique good quality article. You can also charge 500 Rs per video including audio. There are so many content writers who are earning more than 1000 Dollars per Month. If you are interested in this field, either start your own blog or be a content writer for other.
#6. Become a YouTuber
Becoming a YouTuber is not only the way to earn money online, this is also the platform by which you can be an internet celebrity. There is so many YouTube creator who is now becoming very famous in a very short time.
You can start your educational YouTube channel to provide good quality education for students. For this YouTube will pay you. If you are a student, I will recommend you to start an educational channel as soon as possible. Because first, you need to build your audience on YouTube to start earning online.
If you have a sufficient audience of your subscriber (Approx 50,000) you can earn up to Rs. 15000-30000 per month very easily. Choose your favourite subject. Build a list of topics. Create videos on each topic and upload on YouTube. You have to upload 30-50 videos per month for fast growth on YouTube.
#7. Freelancing (Online jobs for students to earn money at home)
Freelancers are those persons who work for themselves. They are not an employee of any company they work for but rather “contractors. Freelancing is the service in which a person get paid instantly for their work. Freelancers are always free to choose work, time and another thing.
If you have any skill, you can make a great amount of money with the help of freelancing. You can do any type of work that you know such as Web Development and Designing, Teaching and Tutoring, Freelance Writing and Copywriting, Creative Design, Sales and Marketing, Graphic Designing, Mobile App Development, Search Engine Optimization or SEO, SEM, Audio Production, Video Production etc
#8. Application Development (Apps Making)
Making an application for mobile and computers is one of the best ways to earn money online as a student. You can choose either making application for Android smartphones or computers.
Making an application is also very easy work. This is not so hard as you think. If you know coding that is very good but if you don’t any type of coding to make an application you can also make an application for an Android smartphone.
Actually, I also started my journey of online income by making an android application. I was using Thunkable to make apps for Android. This is the platform where you can create Apps for Android without coding. Here you can create your app by using just drag and drop options.
This is one of the best and easiest way to make apps for android smartphones.
How to create an Android application (android apps)
If you are serious about online earning, start building your apps today. These are some platform where you can create your app without knowing any coding.
Thunkable: Best Drag and Drop App Builder for Android and iOS
Kodular: Create Android apps without coding
Appy Pie: No Coding Required (Best Mobile Application Development Platform)
If you want to create a professional application free of cost, android studio is one of the best and popular platform to create Android apps. There are thousands of application published on the Play Store built with Android studio.
Android studio needs some basic coding, but if you will try to learn that coding you can plan very easily by using YouTube videos. Search on YouTube how to create an application on Android studio, you will get so many videos related to apps building on Android studio
Android studio is software that is used for android apps building. You have to download android studio from its official website. I will strongly recommend you to use this software to create your Android application because it is completely free to create a professional application for Android mobile. Download Android Studio
#9. Start Tax Preparation services
There are so many people who always search for the best tax preparation services. You can also start this work. Text preparation is not too easy for everyone so that this is absolutely profitable. There are the following types of Tax Preparers
- Certified Public Accountants (CPA)
- Enrolled Agents
- Non-Credentialed Income Tax Preparers
You can start as a Non-Credentialed tax preparer. Non-Credentialed tax prepares are people who prepare tax returns but are not authorised as CPAs or EAs. There are approx 2-3 lakh peoples who work as non-credentialed tax preparers in India. They are making a very good amount of money. You can start it as work part-time or only during the tax season.
If You are serious about online earnings, you can start Blogging, YouTube, Affiliate marketing, Digital Marketing, Freelancing, Tuition Classes, Content Writing, Application Development (Apps Making) etc. but first learn all the ways properly with the help of blogs and YouTube videos.
Here we have discussed 9 Best Online jobs for students to earn money at home without investment. Hope you like the article. If you have any suggestion regarding the given Post “CBSE Class 10 Science Notes PDF Chapter 4 Handwritten Notes” please mail us at our email address.