Reasons why Raju Srivastava was better than Kapil Sharma

Reasons why Raju Srivastava was better than Kapil Sharma

1. Raju Shrivastava is the Founder of Standup Comedy whereas Kapil follows Raju

2. Raju Performed Alone on Stage whereas Kapil Need Team

3. Raju can play so  many characters at a time whereas kapil can not

4. Raju adds a lot of physical humor to his acts such as  light bulb, a train, a dog, a drunkard or a bhai.

5.Kapil Sharma mostly do insults of other which actually irritates and many think this is real comedy

6. Raju's comedy was Naturally...and with logic whereas Kapil do Stupidity

7. We can See Raju shrivastav's comedy act with whole family members but Kapil uses Vulgarity

8. Raju's Comedy is down to earth and every common man can connect him.

9. Kapil's comedy is based on one - liner punch whereas Raju's comedy follows a story